Monday 28 May 2012

What is Ribbon titanium anodes used for?

Titanium anodes with and after a MnO2 precoat were passivated during degradation of electrolytic manganese dioxide and after activated by cathodic reduction. The time dependance of the titanium voltage during passivation and during cathodic abridgement was bent by the antecedent accompaniment of the surface. Nonactivated titanium passivated appreciably faster than activated titanium with the aforementioned array of precoat. The appliance of cathodic currents to passivated anodes acquired disengagement of the precoat and abridgement of the passivating blur beneath the precoat. Abridgement of the passivating blur developed on precoated titanium seems to action at a abundant abate amount than abridgement of the blur developed on unprecoated titanium.
Titanium anodes with and after a MnO2 precoat were passivated during degradation of electrolytic manganese dioxide and after activated by cathodic reduction. The time dependance of the titanium voltage during passivation and during cathodic abridgement was bent by the antecedent accompaniment of the surface. Nonactivated titanium passivated appreciably faster than activated titanium with the aforementioned array of precoat. The appliance of cathodic currents to passivated anodes acquired disengagement of the precoat and abridgement of the passivating blur beneath the precoat. Abridgement of the passivating blur developed on precoated titanium seems to action at a abundant abate amount than abridgement of the blur developed on unprecoated titanium.
Platinised titanium anodes are recommended for use in the following
electrolytic processes:
Precious metal electroplating - e.g. Au, Pt, Pd, Rh and Ru baths
Non-ferrous metal electroplating - e.g. Ni, Cu, Sn, Zn and non-fluoride
Cr baths.
More about: Ribbon titanium anodes sale
Read more: metal oxide metal