Sunday 20 November 2011

How to buy Lithium Cobalt Dioxide

[Molecular Formula]   LiCoO2
[CAS No.]    12190-79-3
Appearance: dark gray
Apparent density: ≥0.70g/cm3
Lithium Cobalt Dioxide is a chemical compound usually used in the positive electrodes of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium cobalt oxide is the main material used to produce the positive electrode of lithium batteries. Its crystal structure is denoted R\bar 3m in Hermann-Mauguin notation with threefold improper rotational symmetry and a mirror plane.
Although the domestic lithium cobalt oxide industry is still in the initial stage of gradual development, the productive techniques and industrial technologies of the product are also experiencing gradual promotion and improvement. Both lithium and cobalt are octahedrally coordinated by oxygen.  The threefold rotational axis is termed improper because the oxygen triangles are anti-aligned. In our previous battery example - the zinc carbon battery - while discharging, the anode would oxidize (lose electrons) naturally and those electrons would make their way towards the cathode through the electrolyte and wire/closed circuit.
In a lithium ion battery, graphite (carbon) is most commonly used for the anode, and lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) is the most common cathode material.  You may also see it in other sites written as carbon being used for the negative terminal and LiCoO2 as the positive terminal. 
More about: Lithium Cobalt Dioxide Sale
Read more>> Cobalt Oxide

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