Thursday 29 December 2011

Scandium Oxide With Alkalis

Scandium oxide is a white amorphous powder, Sc2O3, used as a source of scandium and in manufacturing ceramics. Also called scandia. Heat and thermal shock resistance in high temperature systems, electronic ceramics and as a helper material in glass composition.
Scandium oxide is a lightweight refractory oxide. It comes from several sources including minerals, certain uranium tailings and some phosphate ores. Scandium oxide is suitable for the high index component of UV, AR and bandpass coatings due to its high index value, transparency, and layer hardness make High damage thresholds have been reported for combinations with silicon dioxide or magnesium fluoride for use in AR. With alkalis it forms scandate salts, unlike its higher homologues yttrium oxide and lanthanum oxide, for example forming K3Sc(OH)6 with KOH.
Scandium are widely used in making Scandium-Aluminium alloy. In this, scandium shows more similarity with aluminium oxide.
Scandium oxide is a high melting white solid used in high-temperature systems (for its resistance to heat and thermal shock), electronic ceramics, and glass composition (as a helper material). It is converted into the Lewis acid scandium(III) triflate by reaction with triflic acid.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Information about Nickel

Nickel embodies a grueling, pliant, ductile, glossy, achromatic bloodless, ferromagnetic metal coterie eighter of periodic table; atomic number 28; atomic mass 58.69; melting point ca 1,453°C; boiling point ca  2,732°C; specific gravity 8.902 g/cm3; valence 0, 1, 2, 3; electronic config. 2-1 or 4s 23ds8.  It is a passably estimable conductor of heating system and electricity. It acquires a high gear down. Its magnetized holdings and chemical activity resemble iron and atomic number 27. Them accepts holdings to cast well a number of alloys. Some of the metals that nickel can be combined with are  iron, copper, chromium, and zinc. Most of these Ni combines cause blasphemous or green coloring material.
Atomic number 28 disbands inward debase dots slowly but leave constitute peaceful with nitric back breaker like cast-iron. Amercement nickel powderize adsorbs hydrogen and is in the hydrogenation of oils. Nickel alloys are used in making coins and heat exchange items like valve. The Most of nickel is used to make stainless steel every bit a careful and nonfunctional covering for to a lesser extent corrosion. Having low metallic impurities, OMG Standard Grade Nickel Sulfate is widely used for decorative and engineering electroplating. It is also used in the coloring of anodized aluminum in architectural applications.
Nickel embodies concerted with numerous extra constituents, letting in chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen, exist. Most of these nickel compounds dissolve easily in water and deliver a distinctive fleeceable or blasphemous colorise with nay characteristic odor or taste. Nickel compounds are used in plating, colour ceramics, building close to bombardments, and as chemical reaction catalysts.
More about: Nickel Chloride 


1,4-Valerolactone is a colourless liquid. Copolymers of lactic acid, from 0.5 to 20 weight % of 4-valerolactone and from 0 to 20 weight % of a C.sub.6-8 lactone form polymers having a higher intrinsic viscosity than homopolymers of lactic acid per se. The polymers also have an increased heat stability over the homopolymer of lactic acid. Uses:Insecticide,dissolvant,coupling agent
There is an increasing business organization with the environmental bear upon of blow. Additional in particular there is a concern with the use of non-degradable material such as petroleum based plastics. There has been for some time noesis by degradable polymersbased on duty lactides. Commonly these polymers consume embodied brought forth either by a fermenting central processor away the direct polymerization of lactic acid. Such polymers have had very little impact on the field of plastics due to cost and monomer supplyconsiderations. There is now a renewed interest in such that polymers.
Nonetheless, when lactic battery-acid embodies polymerized at that place comprises a leaning because it to configuration dimers or lactides. This leans to reduce yield, slow the grade from chemical reaction and consequence inwards polylactides bearing alow molecular exercising weight or a depressed intrinsic viscosity in the neighbourhood of to a lesser extent than involute.1 decilitre/accelerator pedal calculated as a 0.5% resolution from polymer inwards a dissolver specified chloroform.
Storage:This product shall be sealed to preserve.
Continuous polymerization of lactic acid is more fully described in the copending patent application filed in the names of G. Kharas, S. P. Nemphos and I. Fridman Feb. 22, 1991 assigned to Polysar Financial divine service* entropy.A. The polymerization ought bedriven to ended 95% conversion in general to concluded 98% conversion. For a lamusical scalelgood dealch reaction ichicken feedss ware this testament assimilate the order from about 24 to 48 hours at the above-noted temperatures. On an highly-developed ordered series the clock time the melt embodies discovered topolymerization conditions will depend on the process and the reactor size. By and large it had better not cost lower than about 12 days hall clock time inward the reactor.
More about: 1,4-Valerolactone

Monday 26 December 2011

The Use of Lithium Cobalt Dioxide

Lithium is a soft, silvery aluminiferous, it experiences many habits, including the production of glass in, lithium bombardments, and a strong, light metal with aluminium for aeroplanes. Lithium carbonate embodies exploited in the treatment of moral illness, and an strange come constitutes used as lithium hydride fashionable the production from thermonuclear artilleries.

Lithium interferes with the production and consumption from chemical messengers away which brasses intercommunicate with for each one early (neurotransmitters). Lithium in addition to dissembles the concentrations of tryptophane and 5-hydroxytryptamine inward the encephalon. Inch add-on, lithium increases the production from WBCs incoming the grind away gist. Lithium's effects usually begin within 1 week of getting going discourse, and the fully consequence embodies checked by 2 to 3 weeks. Lithium can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions.

Lithium is used to treat the manic instalments by manic-depressive psychosis. Frenzied symptoms include hyperactivity, cannonballed along speech, poor mind, reduced demand because eternal sleep, aggression, and angriness. It also helps oneself to foreclose or minify the loudness of manic episodes. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert.

Lithium is currently in dev release status, and is under dynamic maturation on-duty numerous figureheads. To learn more about where we're manoeuvered, or to become the most recent updates on our progress, you force out baulk the blog or the roadmap .

Read more>> Cobalt Oxide

What is Neotetrazolium Chloride used for

Neotetrazolium Chloride is a white to buff acicular crystallization or powder.
Solubility: Soluble in water and ethanol, hardly soluble in chloroform (the reduction of compounds Diformazan for purple needle crystal, soluble in most organic solvents).
Melting point: 297℃(resolve). Molecular weight: 667.60.
Used: Microbial, plant and animal tissues dyeing. Tissue and cell chemistry dehydrogenase is determined. Molecular formula: C38H28Cl2N8.
The preparation of pure samples of formazan in proportion to to NT and BDTC makes up keyed; molar experimental extinction coefficients are collapsed with decent added selective information to enable estimate of the sums of money of NT and BDTC fashionable mixtures of the two to live constructed.
This product should be preservation in a sealed dark place.
Neotetrazolium Chloride is also named 2H-Tetrazolium, 3,3'-[1,1'-biphenyl]- 4,4'-diylbis[2,5-diphenyl-, dichloride(298-95-3).
Neotetrazolium Chloride has a qualitative method for checking the pureness of National Trust and BDTC by thin-layer chromatography embodies distinguished; with this method the front of traces of other tetrazolium salt contaminants was detected.
More about: Buy Neotetrazolium chloride

Friday 23 December 2011

D-Glyceraldehyde Syrup Lliquid

D-Glyceraldehyde occurs as syrup liquid.It is sensitive to air.It is soluble in water,insoluble in benzene.It is used in biochemical study.This product shall be sealed to preserve at 4  with argon.
Glyceraldehyde is a triose monosaccharide with chemical know-how C3H6O3. Them comprises the most childlike of all primary aldoses. It is a dessert, bloodless, crystalline solid that is an intermediate compound in carbohydrate metabolic process.
D-Glyceraldehyde is an optical isomer of glyceraldehyde in which the by Jove group embodies on the flop pull of the asymmetric carbon atom. The Christian Bible adds up by blending glycerine and aldehyde, as glyceraldehyde equals merely glycerine with unmatchable hydroxymethylene grouping exchanged to an aldehyde. 
Dihydroxyacetone, the simplest ketose, embodies an isomer from glyceric aldehyde. Interconversion from the orthophosphates of these two heightens, catalyzed away the enzyme triosephosphate isomerase, is an central in-between footprint in glycolysis.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Tin Dioxide for Sale

Tin Dioxide is a ceramic manufacture equally a sun blocker pigment and glaze over; marble and glass polishing agent; field glass industry fashionable the electrode substantial for glaucous glass, frost glass, high-strength glass to increase strength and fag out ohmic resistance; electronic factor twists (designated resistors) product; tin chemicals production; catalyst, ion exchanger, sarcastic framework, burthen amplification agent output.
Molecular method: SnO 2
Properties: lily-white or faint xanthous powder, mellowing out compass point 1630 , unresolvable incoming water supply, alcoholic beverage, lye, back breaker, and alkali solution to generate a total water supply-disintegrable stannate.
Piling: blank impressible bucket, 25 kg / barrel. Or fitting in to substance abuser requirement.
Tin dioxide, also known every bit stannous oxide or canister(intravenous feeding) oxide, embodies a chemic deepen with a chemic method of SnO2. They are a white strong that coiffes not fade out incoming water supply and hardly melts successful panes. It costs cleared whilst canister or tin(II) oxide cuts in breeze. It follows a star divide of cassiterite, the principal cannister ore.[1] It makes up practiced to make ceramic sugarcoats to a greater extent fogged.
Tin dioxide send away represent treated to bring in them detect gases such as carbon paper monoxide more beneficial. It costs many commons than tin(II) oxide. It makes up utilized in brake footslogs, polishers, touchscreens, gas detectors (in a lot carbon paper monoxide detectors), targets in sputtering, and electrodes practised successful melded glass in. On that point are cardinal hydrated forms of tin dioxide that give birth extraordinary properties. They are called alphastannic acid and metastannic loony toons. Alphastannic Elvis personifies sandy though metastannic acid is porous. Metastannic Lucy in the sky with diamonds makes up practised successful the ceramics.
More about: Buy Tin Dioxide

Tuesday 20 December 2011

What is Cobalt Sulfate

Cobalt sulfate is any sulfate salt of either divalent or trivalent cobalt. Divalent cobalt sulfate anhydrous (CoSO4) melts at 96.8 C; soluble in methanol. It is used in preparing pigments and other cobalt salts. Trivalent atomic number 27 sulphate [called cobaltic sulfate, carbon dioxide(SO4)tercet] checks trivalent cobalt Acts of the Apostles as an oxidizing agent; resolvable successful sulfuric bitter. Cobalt pigment personifies used in porcelains and glass. Cobalt sulphate constitutes expended inwards computer storage batteries and electroplating baths. It is used in sympathetic inks and as an additive to soils and animal feeds. It is a raw material to make other cobalt salts.
[Molecular Formula] CoSO4·7H2O
Cobalt embodies a shining, silvery-blue argentiferous chemical constituent, symbolization Co, atomic number of 27 and an atomic weight of 58.93. Cobalt is obtained primarily as a by-product of the mining and processing of copper and nickel ores. Exemplars of atomic number 27 ores let in cobaltite [(carbon monoxide gas,Fe)AsS], erythrite [(Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O)]. fukuchilite ( Cu3FeS8), glaucodot [(Centennial State,Fe)AsS], linnaeite [(Colorado,Ni)3S4], skutterudite [(Co,Ni,Fe)As3], and smaltite [(Co,Fe,Ni)As2]. Cobalt sulfate is a red crystal with light brown, soluble in water and methanol, but slightly soluble in ethanol and easily effloresces in air. Its specific gravity is 1.948. Cobalt is extracted as a spin-off of nickel note and copper color denseness through with pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical and electrolytic processes. Cobalt contributes corrosion resistant and hardness if alloyed with other metals and when used in electroplating. The senior expends of cobalt makes up machinating antimonial alloys. Cobalt-60 with a half life of pentad.3 months follows a gamma irradiation source when secondhand incoming radiotherapy and sterilization. It is used as a catalyst in the petroleum production and chemical synthesis. Cobalt-molybdate catalyst is active in desulfurization of petroleum. Atomic number 27 embodies compounded with several former elements including chlorine, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen. Inwards improver to a near green domain +1, the rifest oxidization commonwealths of cobalt are +2 and +3. Cobalt intensifies are put-upon while pigments incoming glass over and ceramics. It is used as a drying agent for paints, varnishes and inks.
[CAS No.] 10124-43-3        
[Application] for paints, catalysts, enamel on ceramics, etc.
[Packing] 25 kg N.W. in plastic lined knitted bag
Appearance: rosy red crystal
More about: Buy Cobalt Sulfate

Monday 19 December 2011

The Chemical Formula of Carbonate

Cobalt Carbonate is a light red powder chemicaly symboled as CoCO3. Its CAS No. is 513-79-1. Cobalt is a lustrous, silvery-blue aluminiferous  chemic component, symbol Centennial State, microscopical number of 27 and an atomic weight down of 58.93. Cobalt costs held primarily as a by-product of the mining and treating of copper color and nickel note ores. Examples of cobalt ores include cobaltite [(carbon monoxide,Fe)AsS], cobalt bloom [(Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O)]. The growth profile of Cobalt argentiferous production features exaggerated roughly sestet present time since its inception. The product quality of Cobalt is of in high spirits classical and since per customer specification. Sectoral expends of Cobalt bimetal.
Cobalt Carbonate is also called Cobaltous carbonate; C.I. 77353; Sphaerocobaltite; Carbonic acid, cobalt(2+) salt; Cobalt spar; Cobalt(2+) carbonate. This product is packed in carton drum of 8kg net. It is practically insoluble (decompose in hot water). The major uses of cobalt is preparing aluminiferous alloys. Cobalt-60 with a half-life of Little Phoebe.ternary years is a gamma light beam reservoir when put-upon successful radiotherapy and sterilization. It is used as a catalyst stylish the rock oil product and chemical synthetic thinking. Cobalt-molybdate catalyst is active in desulfurization of petroleum.
More information about: Cobalt Carbonate Suppliers

Sunday 18 December 2011

D-2-Phosphoglyceric acid sodium salt hydrates for Sale

D-2-Phosphoglyceric acid sodium salt hydrates should be sealed with argon dry and stored at 0 . It is also called Phosphoglyceric acid hydrate sodium salt;D-Glycerate 2-phosphate sodium salt, Sodium D-2-phosphoglycerate hydrate. CAS: 70195-25-4.
DOCUMENT TYPE: Patent CA Section: 38 (Plastics Fabrication and Uses) Title foams are manufd. by heat-melting styrene polymers, adding blowing agents, and extrusion-foaming, and contain satd. Molecular weight: 252.00+xH2O. C3-5 hydrocarbons blowing agents and/or halogen-free blowing agents, and bromine-based fireproofing agents with metal salt hydrates or with metal salts and H2O. Thus, a compn. contg. G 9401 (polystyrene), hexabromocyclododecane, and MN 30 (MgSO4·3H2O) was mixed with propane, di-Me ether, and H2O, and extrusion-foamed to give a foam showing thermal cond. (JIS A 9511) 0.031 W/mK after storage for 28 days.
Molecular formula: C3H4Na3O7P+xH2O
There are some commonly used reagents with their cas registry numbers 7758-98-7 and 53408-95-0 in this article.
Appearance: White crystal
Properties: Soluble in water.
Uses: Biochemistry.
Storage: alt hydrates: V1.The crystal structures of sodium ammonium orthochromate dihydrate and magnesium diammonium bis ( hydrogen orthophosphate ) tetrahydrate and a discussion of the ammonium ion. Enantiomerically pure metabolite of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and also substrate for a number of important enzymes in central metabolism like enolase and phosphoglycerate mutase.

What is Nickel Sulfate

Nickel Sulfate occurs as a emerald crystal. Nickel alloys are used in making coins and heat exchange items like valve. The Most of nickel is used to make stainless steel as a protective and ornamental coating for less corrosion.
[Molecular Formula] XNiSO4·6H2O , YNiSO4·7H2O. Nickel compounds are used in plating, coloring ceramics, making some batteries, and as chemical reaction catalysts.
Nickel Sulfate grade A product can be used for electroplating or other industry; grade B for storage battery. Most of these nickel compounds have blue or green color. Nickel dissolves in dilute acids slowly but will be passive with nitric acid like iron. Fine nickel powder adsorbs hydrogen and is in the hydrogenation of oils. Nickel is combined with many other elements, including chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen, exist.
Nickel sulfate is used to create a suitable, plated surface for fusing two metal components and works particularly well when that metal is aluminum. [CAS No.]      7786-81-4. The process of layering the nickel onto the surface of the aluminum is known as "brush electroplating," but the nickel itself must be obtained first. Packing: 25kg N.W. in plastic lined knitted bag. It has properties to form easily a number of alloys. In order to prepare nickel for this process, it is best to form a crystal of nickel sulfate by dissolving nickel carbonate in acid and heating the solution. Some of the metals that nickel can be combined with are  iron, copper, chromium, and zinc. Columns used in polyhistidine-tagging, useful in biochemistry and molecular biology, are regenerated with nickel sulfate.
Most of these nickel compounds dissolve easily in water and have a characteristic green or blue color with no characteristic odor or taste. The salt is usually obtained as a by-product of copper refining. It is also produced by dissolution of nickel metal or nickel oxides in sulfuric acid. Approximately 40,000 tonnes were produced in 2005. It is mainly used for electroplating of nickel.
More about: Buy Nickel Sulfate

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Potassium succinate for Sale

Potassium succinate is a deliquescent powder used as a haemostatic. CAS:676-47-1.
Potassium is a very important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body. Appearance: White orthorhombic crystal or powder. It is also an electrolyte, a substance that conducts electricity in the body, along with sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. Molecular formula: C4H4K2O4•3H2O. Potassium is crucial to heart function and plays a key role in skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, making it important for normal digestive and muscular function. Many foods contain potassium, including all meats, some types of fish (such as salmon, cod, and flounder), and many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Dairy products are also good sources of potassium. Molecular weight: 248.32. Most industrial chemical applications of potassium employ the relatively high solubility in water of potassium compounds, such as potassium soaps. Potassium metal has only a few special applications, being replaced in most chemical reactions with sodium metal.

Potassium succinate, the third most abundant mineral in human body, is the synonym for health insurer. It contains the qualities for maintaining a high level of human well-being and a cheerful lifestyle. Most people get all of the potassium they need from a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Storage:Sealed in dry place. Diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, malnutrition, malabsorption syndromes (such as Crohn's disease) can also cause potassium deficiency, as well as use of a kind of heart medicine called loop diuretics.

Uses:Organic synthesis. Potassium ion diffusion is a key mechanism in nerve transmission, and potassium depletion in animals, including humans, results in various cardiac dysfunctions.
Properties:The relative density of 1.564.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Nickel cobalt Supplier

Nickel cobalt is a strategic and critical metal used in many diverse commercial, industrial, and military applications.  The largest use of cobalt in the aerospace industry is to make parts for gas turbine aircraft engines. This group of materials, Nickel Alloys, Cobalt Alloys, Special Alloys and Super Alloys is primarily used in extremely high temperature and/or corrosive environments, such as jet engines, power generation applications, chemical plants, and oil rigs. QN Cobalt was developed by Queensland Nickel to provide customers with a purified cobalt feedstock for the production of cobalt chemicals where it can be substituted for cobalt metal. 
Nickel-based Superalloys have been developed for very high temperature applications where relatively high stresses are encountered and where high surface stability is frequently required. Typically, nickel alloys or cobalt alloys are used in environments where the use temperatures are in access of 1000 degrees F.
The Murrin Murrin nickel-cobalt project, 60km east of Leonora, was commissioned by Anaconda Nickel Ltd. The project is now a joint venture between Murrin Murrin Holdings Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Minara Resources Ltd (60%), and Glenmurrin Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore International AG (40%).
Nickel cobalt is the fifth most common element on planet Earth.  All nickel was formed billions of years ago in supernova explosions, the only place in nature where the temperature and pressure conditions were sufficient for the nickel atom to form.
Due to their chemical compositions, materials tend to be quite expensive, with long lead times from the mills. Steel service centers tend not carry large inventories of expensive materials, sometimes making it difficult to obtain, particularly in immediate repair situations.
Read more>> Cobalt Oxide

Monday 12 December 2011

Nickel Sulfate for Sale

Nickel sulfate usually refers to the inorganic compound with the formula NiSO4(H2O)6. It is also called Nickelous sulfate, 6-hydrate; Sulfuric Acid, Nickel (2+) Salt, Hexahydrate; Nickel Monosulfate Hexahydrate; Blue Salt; Single Nickel Salt; Nickelsulfat (German). This highly soluble blue-coloured salt is a common source of the Ni2+ ion for electroplating. Nickel sulfate is paramagnetic. At least seven sulfate salts of nickel(II) are known. It is mainly used in lectroplating, Organic chemical synthesis, Metal colouring, Dye mordant, Manufacturing other nickel salts, Ni-Cd battery. Also used in the manufacture of nickel catalysts and nickel salt as raw material. Containing 6 molecules of water of crystallization of the alpha type nickel sulfate as blue and green square crystal, at 533 degrees C into beta type green transparent crystal.
These salts differ, sometimes subtly, in terms of their hydration or structural details. Nickel is a hard, malleable, ductile, lustrous, silvery white, ferromagnetic metallic element in Group VIII of periodic table; atomic number 28; atomic mass 58.69; melting point ca 1,453°C; boiling point ca  2,732°C; specific gravity 8.902 g/cm3; valence 0, 1, 2, 3; electronic config. 2-1 or 4s 23ds8. The common tetragonal hexahydrate crystallizes from aqueous solution between 30.7 and 53.8 °C. Below these temperatures, a heptahydrate crystallises and above these temperatures an orthorhombic hexahydrate forms. The yellow anhydrous form, NiSO4, is a high melting solid. Nickel is combined with many other elements, including chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen, exist. This material produced by heating the hydrates above 330 °C.  It decomposes at still higher temperatures to nickel oxide.
Nickel sulfate is usually obtained as a by-product of copper refining. It is also produced by dissolution of nickel metal or nickel oxides in sulfuric acid. Nickel dissolves in dilute acids slowly but will be passive with nitric acid like iron. Approximately 40,000 tonnes were produced in 2005. It is mainly used for electroplating of nickel.
More about: Buy Nickel Sulfate
Read more>> Cobalt Oxide

Sunday 11 December 2011

What is Hesperetin

Hesperetin is a bioflavonoid and, to be more specific, a flavanone. The flavones and flavonoids are a widespread group of natural products with a variety of reported beneficial health effects. Hesperetin is a citrus flavonoid that has been reported to lower plasma cholesterol. Hesperetin induces Notch1 expression in carcinoid cells, subsequently suppressing tumor cell proliferation and bioactive hormone production. This provides evidence for further study into hesperetin as a potential treatment for carcinoid cancer.
Hesperidin (a flavonone glycoside) is water-soluble due to the presence of the sugar part in its structure, so on ingestion it releases its aglycone, i.e, hesperetin. Flavonoids have been implicated as possible active agents in the dietary benefits of citrus fruits. Hesperidin is found in Citrus fruits. Hesperetin reduces the transcription of ACAT-2 mRNA in Hep-G2 cells and reduces ApoB protein synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Hesperetin induced cell death in a dose-dependent manner and reduced achaete-scute complex-like 1 and chromogranin A expression, with a concomitant rise in Notch1 levels. It also induced Notch1 messenger ribonucleic acid, indicating regulation at the transcriptional level.
Antioxidant flavonoid. Induces G1-phase cell cycle arrest. Anti-inflammatory. Suppresses NF-κB activation. Reduces cholesterol biosynthesis. Inhibits lipid peroxidation. Neuroprotective against neuronal oxidative damage. The investigators' laboratory has demonstrated that the Notch1 signaling pathway acts as a tumor suppressor in carcinoid tumors. The aim of this study was to examine hesperetin, a flavonoid, as a potential Notch1 activator and carcinoid tumor suppressor.
More aboput: Buy Hesperetin

Thursday 8 December 2011

Polyethylene glycol 1540 for Sale

Polyethylene glycol 1540 is a generic name for mixtures of condensation polymers of ethylene oxide and water, available in liquid form (polymers with average molecular weights between 200 and 700) or as waxy solids (average molecular weights above 1000); some are used as pharmaceutic aids, and p. glycol 3350 is used as a laxative. CAS: 25322-68-3. The volume of rectal epithelial mucus was quantified histologically following a single suppository treatment. Molecular weight:13001600. It was unchanged by suppositories of Witepsol H12; reduced significantly by suppositories of PEG 1540 1, 6 and 24 h post-treatment but increased after 48 h. Molecular formula: HO(CH2CH2O)nH. It occurs as a soft white or light yellow waxy solid
Properties:The relative density of 1.15. Flash point> 232 .
Polyethylene glycol 1540 is used in GC stationary liquid (maximum temperature 165 , solvent, acetone, chloroform, methylene chloride) and the separation of oxygenated nitrogen compounds.
Storage:Sealed in cool place. Confers slip and humectant properties to coatings. See poly(ethylene oxide) for higher molecular weights.
The terms poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(ethylene oxide) refer to polymers which are chemically identical. Polymer chains are hydroxyl-terminated at both ends. At all except the lowest molecular weights poly(ethylene glycol) has a broad molecular weight distribution ranging from ~ 0.5x to 1.5x the values shown.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Where to Buy Rare-metals

Rare-metals is one series of our products. Quality and detail is our essence to devote to human health. The manufacturing and quality are licensed and supervised by KFO France. KFO France Co. Ltd. is biotech laboratories founded in France and China in 2001, KFO focuses on research and development of Metal dusts, Metallic powders, Metal Compounds.
The journal is dedicated to the publication and the dissemination of original research articles (and occasional invited reviews) in the field of rare metals to establish a platform of communication between engineers and scientists. Its coverage includes the metallurgy, processing, and determination of rare metals. This has been helped by its frothy price, and the fact that it is easy enough to pinpoint and extract from scrapped jet engines. By contrast, modern mobile phones, which may contain up to sixty useful and rare metals, are too small and fiddly for triage to be worth the effort. The journal also publishes papers on the application of rare metals in advanced materials, such as superconductors, semiconductors, composites, and ceramics.
In principle, aircraft do not need rhenium to stay aloft. However, as Thomas Graedel, an industrial ecologist at Yale University, and the lead author of the UNEP report, points out, the reason many modern products work so well is that they use materials whose properties are just so. "Without them, performance would suffer—slower computers, fuzzier medical images, heavier and slower aircraft." The second option is to recycle. Unlike over one-third of all metals, rhenium has actually seen a rise in recycling rates (although less than a quarter of the stuff found in new jet engines is second-hand). The upshot is that many valuable materials end up in landfills or are melted into new metallic alloys, wasting their unique properties.

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How to Buy Mevinolin (lovastatin)

Mevinolin (lovastatin) is a member of the drug class of statins, used for lowering cholesterol (hypolipidemic agent) in those with hypercholesterolemia and so preventing cardiovascular disease. Lovastatin is a naturally occurring drug found in food such as oyster mushrooms and red yeast rice. Molecular formulae: C24H36O4 A systematic study of the effects of mevinolin combined with ketoconazole and terbinafine, which act at different points in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, on the proliferation of epimastigotes indicated a synergic action, as shown by concave isobolograms and fractional inhibitory concentration indexes ranging from 0.17 to 0.54. Chemical abstracts number: 75330-75-5. Lovastatin and other statins may reduce the development of melanomas. Lovastatin can reduce both tumour (melanoma) cell growth, and the angiogenic activity of these cells in co-cultures using an established 2-dimensional model angiogenesis system beyond that which would be seen by reduced proliferation alone.
Systematic name: [3,7-dimethyl-8-[2-(6-oxotetrahydropyran-2-yl)ethyl]-1,2,3,7,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalen-1-yl] 2-methylbutanoate
Analysis of the sterol composition and de novo sterol synthesis in control and treated cells by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatographies showed that the antiproliferative effects of the drug alone and in combination were correlated with the depletion of the endogenous ergosterol pool and particularly with a critical (exogenous) cholesterol/endogenous 4-desmethyl sterol ratio in the cells. Molecular weight: 388.54. The effects on melanoma cells and their ability to enhance angiogenesis in a co-culture system presented an opportunity to assess whether Lovastatin act on melanoma cells, HUVEC or both types of cells.
Lovastatin is a member of the drug class of statins, used for lowering cholesterol (hypolipidemic agent) in those with hypercholesterolemia and so preventing cardiovascular disease. Lovastatin is a naturally occurring drug found in food such as oyster mushrooms and red yeast rice.
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Monday 5 December 2011

How to Buy Antimicrobial Metabolite 1

Antimicrobial Metabolite 1 is absolute configuration of keisslone, a new antimicrobial metabolite from Keissleriella sp. YS4108, a marine filamentous fungus.
In order to purify enough material for establishing the absolute stereochemistry of the new antifungal metabolite 3,6,8-trihydroxy-3-[3,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-3(E)-heptenyl]-2,3-dihydronaphthalen-1(4H)-one produced by Keissleriella sp., a marine filamentous fungus (strain number: YS 4108), a repeated growth and fractionation of the fungal culture was performed to give instead a new antimicrobial metabolite, keisslone (1), the structure of which was elucidated on the basis of spectral analyses including homo- and hetero-nuclear correlation NMR experiments (HMQC, COSY, NOESY and HMBC). Formula: C15H10O5. The mycelia growth and antimicrobial activity were assessed by determining dry matter and the diffusion in agar method, respectively. The absolute configuration of metabolite 1 was determined mainly by its CD data and NOESY spectrum.
The compound 1 was shown to be inhibitory against the human pathogenic fungi Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum and Aspergillus niger with MICs of 50, 70, 40 microg/mL, respectively. Cas number: 89367-83-9. The best F. velutipes mycelia growth was observed in dextrose potato broth, and greater antimicrobial metabolite production occurred in complete Pontecorvo’s culture medium. Environmental modifications, such as a rise in temperature from 25° to 37°C on the 15th day of F. velutipes mycelia culture in malt extract and peptone broth, also optimized antimicrobial metabolite production.
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Friday 2 December 2011

How to Buy Stannic Oxide

Stannic oxide is derived from tin. Widely known and used, tin comprises about 0.001 percent of the earth's crust. This colourless, diamagnetic solid is amphoteric. It is sometimes found alone, but generally is found as the oxide in the mineral cassiterite. It crystallises with the rutile structure, wherein the tin atoms are six coordinate and the oxygen atoms three coordinate. Tin mines exist in England, Spain, Indonesia, Thailand, Zaire, Nigeria and China. Significant amounts of tin is also obtained through recycling. Stannic Oxide appears like a white to light gray powder.
Tin is nontoxic, ductile, malleable, adheres to various metals and has a relatively low melting point. These properties lend to its usefulness as a rust-proofing material on iron, low-grade steels, copper, and copper alloys. Molecular Formula is SnO2. tin oxide, SnO2, produced artificially as a white amorphous powder, and occurring naturally in the mineral cassiterite. It is used in the manufacture of white enamels, and, under the name of putty powder, for polishing glass, etc.
Stannic Oxide is most commonly used in glazes where it acts as an opacifier where it is typically added in the range of 5-10%. When used correctly it will produce an opaque, glossy glaze. If used in excess a dull/matt glaze can result. Potters have used tin oxide as an opacifier for hundreds of years. CAS No. 18282-10-5. It is also used for making ceramics, enamelware and glasses industry. stannous oxide (SnO) employed in making tin salts for chemical reagents and for plating; and stannous fluoride (SnF2) is the additive in fluoride tooth-pastes.
In sealed iron drums 50kg net.

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Thursday 1 December 2011

What is Lithium Cobalt Dioxide

Lithium Cobalt Dioxide (LiCoO2) is a chemical compound commonly used in the positive electrodes of lithium-ion batteries. [Molecular Formula]  LiCoO2; [CAS No.] 12190-79-3.
The material was packed in one layer aluminum foil bags with a blue drum outside, 25kg per bag. There were total of 10 batches, 200 drums/batch, total 2000 drums. Packing was found in normal condition as per visual inspection. The crystal structure is denoted R\bar 3m in Hermann-Mauguin notation, signifying a rhombus-like unit cell with threefold improper rotational symmetry and a mirror plane. Location of material is stored in an indoor warehouse. The cargo is found to be black powder, no extraneous contamination was noted as far as visible and accessible.
Sampling was performed according to GB/T 5314, 12 bags for each batch was randomly selected for sampling purpose, 3 increments/, middle and left of each bag). Samples were taken from each selected bag using a standard plastic tube, more than 5kg per batch. All sampled packages were stuck with SGS labels. Final accumulated sample was thoroughly blended, the sample reduction and division be method of coning and quartering.  More simply, however, both lithium and cobalt are octahedrally coordinated by oxygen. Each cobalt atom is aligned on a common axis with lithium atoms and separated from each lithium atom by a triangle of oxygen atoms as can be seen in the figures. The final sample for each batch was divided into 7 sets by grid method. The marking is pased on each drum from 1010001 to 1010010, total 10 batches.
Lithium cobalt oxide materials ( LiCoO2) for lithium ion battery with the following advantage:
Product Performance :
1.High tap density,  D50 bigger size, Small BET area surface.
2.Diameter distributing equality, BET surface area well, Single crystal structure, High crystallinity.
3. Machining & Security of battery well
4.Excellent electrochemical performance, High capacity, Rate of holding capacity.
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