Sunday 11 December 2011

What is Hesperetin

Hesperetin is a bioflavonoid and, to be more specific, a flavanone. The flavones and flavonoids are a widespread group of natural products with a variety of reported beneficial health effects. Hesperetin is a citrus flavonoid that has been reported to lower plasma cholesterol. Hesperetin induces Notch1 expression in carcinoid cells, subsequently suppressing tumor cell proliferation and bioactive hormone production. This provides evidence for further study into hesperetin as a potential treatment for carcinoid cancer.
Hesperidin (a flavonone glycoside) is water-soluble due to the presence of the sugar part in its structure, so on ingestion it releases its aglycone, i.e, hesperetin. Flavonoids have been implicated as possible active agents in the dietary benefits of citrus fruits. Hesperidin is found in Citrus fruits. Hesperetin reduces the transcription of ACAT-2 mRNA in Hep-G2 cells and reduces ApoB protein synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Hesperetin induced cell death in a dose-dependent manner and reduced achaete-scute complex-like 1 and chromogranin A expression, with a concomitant rise in Notch1 levels. It also induced Notch1 messenger ribonucleic acid, indicating regulation at the transcriptional level.
Antioxidant flavonoid. Induces G1-phase cell cycle arrest. Anti-inflammatory. Suppresses NF-κB activation. Reduces cholesterol biosynthesis. Inhibits lipid peroxidation. Neuroprotective against neuronal oxidative damage. The investigators' laboratory has demonstrated that the Notch1 signaling pathway acts as a tumor suppressor in carcinoid tumors. The aim of this study was to examine hesperetin, a flavonoid, as a potential Notch1 activator and carcinoid tumor suppressor.
More aboput: Buy Hesperetin

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