Friday 1 June 2012

Properties of Titanium(IV) iodide

Titanium(IV) iodide is an asleep admixture with the blueprint TiI4. It is a atramentous airy solid, aboriginal appear by Rudolph Weber in 1863. It is an average in the Van Arkel action for the ablution of titanium.
Titanium(IV) iodide is a attenuate atomic bifold metal iodide, consisting of abandoned molecules of tetrahedral Ti(IV) centers. The Ti-I distances are 261 pm. Absorption its atomic character, TiI4 can be distilled after atomization at one atmosphere; this acreage is the base of its use in the Van Arkel process. The aberration in melting point amid TiCl4 (m.p. -24 °C) and TiI4 (m.p. 150 °C) is commensurable to the aberration amid the melting credibility of CCl4 (m.p. -23 °C) and CI4 (m.p. 168 °C), absorption the stronger intermolecular van der Waals bonding in the iodides.
Like TiCl4 and TiBr4, TiI4 forms adducts with Lewis bases, and it can aswell be reduced. When the abridgement is conducted in the attendance of Ti metal, one obtains polymeric Ti(III) and Ti(II) derivatives such as CsTi2I7 and the alternation CsTiI3, respectively. As a band-aid in CH2Cl2, TiI4 exhibits some acuteness against alkenes and alkynes consistent in organoiodine derivatives.
More about: Titanium(IV) iodide sale
Read more: metal oxide

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