Thursday 12 December 2013

Prazosin hydrochloride has any adverse reaction?

Most Prazosin hydrochloride can cause syncope caused by orthostatic hypotension occurred occasionally in the ventricular rate for ~ / point usually after the first dose ~ minutes or with other antihypertensive agents share there was a low sodium diet and share of beta blockers if change the first dose to patients more easily happen. Mg bedtime taking can prevent or mitigate the adverse reactions; The day before to this drug is to stop using diuretic "phenomenon for the first time" the effect can also be reduced if there are self-limited in most cases won't happen again
. Dizziness and drowsiness may occur after the medication for the first time after the first medication or add quantity on the first day should avoid driving and dangerous job dizzy can occur in position by lying to stand up slowly to avoid and dizzy in drinking prolonged standing movement or the weather is hot also can appear so in these cases should be careful with prazosin hydrochloride tablets
Adverse reaction of the rate of % of vertigo (. %), headache (. %) sleepiness (. %) mental difference (. %) palpitations (. %), nausea (. %) more adverse reactions can occur at the beginning of the drug tolerance;
Other adverse reaction rates for % ~ % the following vomiting diarrhea constipation edema orthostatic hypotension dizziness with syncope depression excitable itchy rash to urinate blurred vision sclera congestion blocked nose nose bleeding
Adverse reactions have abdominal pain of abdominal discomfort of lower incidence % of abnormal liver function pancreatitis tachycardia paresthesia illusion hair flat lichen incontinence impotence penis priapism other occasional adverse reactions tinnitus fever sweating arthritis and antinuclear antibody positive.

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