Wednesday 29 July 2015

The description of the Murdannia loriformis

Murdannia loriformis ia a abiding assemble of the Commelinaceae family. The roots are fibrous, 0.5 – 1 mm in diameter, baldheaded or tomentose. The rhizomes are absent. The capital axis is undeveloped; abundant stems are abundant arising from rosette, broadcast or ascending, measures 15-50 cm, baldheaded or puberulent on one side, actual rarely densely hirsute.

The basal leaves with beeline brand admeasurement 5-15 cm x 6-9 cm, with cilated margins proximally; cauline leaves are shorter, ciliate alone on one ancillary of the sheath mouth, baldheaded elsewhere. The cincinni terminal, aloof or 2 or 3 basic a panicle, subcapitate, of several densely abiding flowers; adjacent involucral bracts are leaflike but abate than the leaves.

The distal ones are actual small, beneath than 10 mm; axis 2.5 cm; bracts 4mm, caducous; pedicels hardly curved, 2.5-4 mm in fruit. The sepals ovate-elliptic, 3 mm, herbaceous. The petals are purple-red or blue, obovate-orbicular. The fetile stamens 2; filaments pubescent; staminodes 3; antherodes 3-sec. The abridged ovoid-globose, trigonous, 3-4 mm. The seeds 2 per valve, yellow-brown, afford striate, cautiously white reticulate.

more about: Murdannia Loriformis Extract

from: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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