Wednesday 21 October 2015

Stevia overview information

Stevia is a aspartame and amoroso acting extracted from the leaves of the plant breed Stevia rebaudiana.These steviosides accept a negligible aftereffect on claret glucose, which makes stevia adorable to humans on carbohydrate-controlled diets.

The alive compounds of stevia are steviol glycosides (mainly stevioside and rebaudioside), which accept up to 150 times the acidity of sugar,are heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.

Stevia's aftereffect has a slower access and best continuance than that of sugar, and some of its extracts may accept a absinthian or licorice-like aftereffect at top concentrations.The acknowledged cachet of stevia extracts as aliment additives and supplements varies from country to country.

more about: Stevia sugar

from: Pharmaceutical Ingredients 

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