Sunday 29 November 2015

About Selenium

Selenium plants action is disconnected into two asleep selenium and selenium, asleep selenium relates about to sodium selenite and selenium, including a ample amount of balance asleep selenium aggrandize selenium, selenium-malt was acquired from the by metal deposits absolute asleep selenium greater toxicity, and not calmly absorbed, not fit for beastly and beastly use. Bulb alive selenium produced in aggregate with amino acids by biotransformation in the anatomy of selenomethionine is usually selenium bulb action is accustomed to use beastly and beastly antecedent of selenium.

Selenium is a able activity of nutrients, generally in blight tumors Keshan ache Kashin-Beck disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, alarmist disease, prostate disease, affection disease, blight and added 40 kinds of diseases, broadly acclimated in blight anaplasty acclimated radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

more about: Selenium

from: Metal Powder

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