Saturday 25 June 2016

Pyruvic Aldehyde for sale

Product name:Pyruvic Aldehyde

CAS no.: 78-98-8

Molecular Formula: C3H4O2

Molecular Weight: 72.1

Appearance: Ablaze chicken or chicken aqueous

Purity: 20-40%(GC)

Density:0.994 g/cm3

Melting Point:25 oC

Boiling Point:71.999 oC at 760 mmHg

Flash Point:2.468 oC

Solubility:>=10 g/100 mL at 17 oC in water

Appearance:Clear chicken hardly adhesive aqueous with a acerbic odor

Product description:

Is acclimated for authoritative such medical assure liver, anti-tumor drug, antibiotics and added drugs acclimated in the accomplish of spices, the amalgam of accomplished chemicals.

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