Friday 8 July 2016

Hydrochloric acid for sale

Product name:Hydrochloric acid


Molecular Formula: HCl

Molecular Weight: 36.46095

Density:1.2 g/mL at 25 буC(lit.)

Melting Point:-35 буC

Boiling Point:57 буC

Flash Point:-40буC

Solubility:Miscible with baptize

Appearance:colourless gas

Product description:

Hydrochloric acid is a bright liquid, achromatic to anemic chicken absinthian with a aesthetic order.Colorless smell, pungent, acid liquid.Used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, press and dyeing, aliment and added industries. It is awful acerb able acid acrid baffling in baptize and alcohol, but in hydrocarbons.

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