Monday 25 January 2016

High superior Lactulose

Other name:4-O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-alpha-D-fructose

Melting point :173-178 oC

Specific Rotation : -47 o (C=5, H2O, 12HR)

Storage conditions: Refrigerator

Water Solubility :76.4 G/100 ML (30 oC)

Molecular Formula: C12H22O11

Molecular Weight: 342.30


Usage:Animal Pharmaceuticals

Grade Standard:Food Grade, Anesthetic Grade

Functions & Uses:It is acclimated as Indirect comestible supplements, can getting added to milk, drinks. Lactulose could advice assimilation and assimilation of protein, lactose, and aftermath Vitamin B.

Product description:Aka lactulose or isomerization of lactose, which is a affectionate of semi constructed disaccharide. At present, the milk ketone amoroso is broadly acclimated in food, anesthetic and added fields. 4 - O - actinic alleged beta - D - pyran galactose furan abject - 4 - D - fructose.This commodity mainly can be acclimated for the assurance of gold reagent. Can aswell be acclimated for the alertness of biological medium. It is a affectionate of chromatographic adsorbent.

To learn more: Lactulose

visit: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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