Tuesday 26 August 2014

Maitake mushroom extract - nutrition composition

Maitake nutrition is rich, the nutrient content by the Chinese academy of preventive medicine institute of nutrition and food hygiene and the department of agriculture quality inspection center for testing per one hundred grams of dried maitake contain protein 25.2 grams, 18.68 grams contains 18 kinds of amino acids required for human body, including essential amino acids accounted for 45.5%), 3.2 grams fat, dietary fiber, 33.7 g and 21.4 g of carbohydrates, ash 5.1 grams, rich in a variety of useful minerals, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, selenium, chromium, vitamin content is rich, VE109.7 mg, VB11.47 mg, VB20.72 mg, VC17.0 mg, 4.5 mg carotene. Among the top of the various kinds of edible fungi in a variety of nutrients, including VB1 and VE content is about 10 to 20 times higher, VC content in 3 ~ 5 times that of its counterparts, protein and amino acids is twice the xianggu mushroom, can promote the healthy growth of children's physical and mental development, arginine and lysine content is lily flowers in lysine (1.024%) and the amount of arginine (1.231%) was high; Related with the freshness of nmda and glutamic acid content is higher, so the prince is known as "mushroom" and "north China ginseng".

more about:
Maitake mushroom extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

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