Friday 8 August 2014

The use of genetic engineering to the preparation of L - threonine

Is the earliest in the late 1970 s, the Soviet union's researchers will threonine engineering bacterium used in industrial production of threonine, the synthesis of threonine gene from small plasmid into another cell, by gene amplification, threonine synthase expression increase so as to improve the output of threonine. Produced by biosynthesis of amino acid, prepared by the bacteria and enzymes is the key, natural amino acid can be found in some species and enzyme, some are difficult to find, make the production of amino acids is restricted. In recent years, with the development of chemical industry, with chemical synthesis or chemical synthesis combined with biological technology to the preparation of amino acids, amino acids in the industry plays a more and more important role.

more about:
O-Benzyl-L-threonine prices
Acridine Raw Material

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