Friday 22 August 2014

The summary of spinach

Spinach is amaranthaceae quinoa and spinach genera, annual herb, raw, smooth, glabrous, erect. Whole plant is smooth, soft water, no powder. According to leaves and seeds have thorns can be divided into a sting of (also called leaves) and stingless (also called round leaf) two kinds big. Cultivation has a long history in China, laid ji shape or ovate, apex acute, petiole slender, strong tolerance to cold, suitable for winter cultivation. No kind of blade ovoid, hypertrophy, how wrinkled, apex obtuse, petioles short, its thermal resistance is strong, high yield, suitable for spring, summer or autumn cultivation.
Origin of Persia, has cultivated 2000 years ago. Spinach, taproot developed fleshy root red, edible sweet taste. Spinach is a cold tolerance of vegetables, long daylight plants. In northern China have winter sowing, harvesting spring, commonly known as spinach. All can be drilling or aeroplanes. Spinach main diseases are downy mildew, virus disease, anthrax, the main insect pests such as aphids, leaf flies. Spinach spinach, chenopodiaceae annual or biennial herbs. Also called bo's Leng, Persian, grass. In leaves and tender stems for food. Spinach spinach, chenopodiaceae annual or biennial herbs. Also called bo's Leng, Persian, grass. In leaves and tender stems for food. Salad to eat better.

more about:
Spinach Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

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