Monday 14 October 2013

DARPP-32 (Phospho-Thr34) Polyclonal Antibody related presentations

Cancer is a disease, abnormal proliferation and differentiation, but also diseases abnormal apoptosis. The process of gastric lesions, reduced apoptosis, proliferation increases may be related to cell regulation disorders. Survivin is an inhibitor of apoptosis protein, in the developing embryos and human malignancies, expressed in transformed cell lines, and in the terminal differentiation and maturation of tissue hardly expressed. Survivin expression in tumors with poor prognosis, tumor progression, relapse, drug treatment was well tolerated and patients shortened survival. So the location and function of survivin in the conduct of research that can guide clinical diagnosis and treatment is to provide a theoretical basis. Survivin may be through inhibition of caspase activity play its anti-apoptotic function. Found that protein phosphorylation pathways involved in the regulation of cell death, affected subcellular localization, cell protection and cell cycle progression. Survivin mainly in the G2 / M phase expressed in vivo during mitosis, the cell cycle-dependent kinase complex (P34cdc2-cyclinB1) so that the first 34 survivin protein threonine (Thr34) phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of survivin with microtubule polymerization or mitotic spindle, inhibit caspase9 activity. Survivin variants (Thr34-Ala, 34 threonine replaced by alanine) although capable of binding to the mitotic apparatus, but the loss of phosphorylation sites, survivin-caspase9 complexes during mitosis device lost contact occurs caspase9 dependent apoptosis. Phosphorylation defective survivin mutant (Thr34-Ala) expression of the body can cause human melanoma cell line apoptosis, and may increase the sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs. Therefore, the first survivin peptide chain 34 is the impact of survivin threonine functional areas. The present study aimed phosphorylated survivinThr34 in gastric carcinoma and distribution, in order to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of gastric provide a new target. Materials and methods 1. Second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University Collection 2001-2003 resected gastric lesions and endoscopic biopsy tissue sections 108 cases. 2. Immunohistochemistry Reagents later, polyclonal goat anti-human antibody survivinThr34 phosphorylated. 3.Adopt counted under a microscope for positive semi-quantitative analysis. 4. Statistically using xZ test to determine statistically significant differences between samples. Results 1. Immunohistochemical detection of phosphorylated sUrVivinTllr34 protein mainly distributed in the cytoplasm of gastric adenocarcinoma, in adjacent neighboring tissue can also be seen phosphorylated sulvMn Thl.34 protein expression, but a small number. Phosphorylated stirvivinTh has 4 protein expression and gastric adenocarcinoma patients' gender, age, histological grade, pathological staging. 2 dysplasia, gastric benign lesions expression rates were 33.3% and 35.3%, by statistical analysis of phosphorylated s ~ ivihThi have 4 in the above two kinds of pathological conditions expressed positive rate difference. 3 phosphorylated s ~ ivinT Bu r34 proteins in gastric adenocarcinoma, the positive expression rate was 76.79%, with atypical hyperplasia, benign gastric lesions group, by x, analysis P0.01, was statistically significant . Discussion 1. The experimental results show that the phosphorylation of proteins in gastric adenocarcinoma sulvivinThr34 highly expressed in atypical hyperplasia, benign gastric lesions low expression in adjacent tissue section adjacent expression. It is felt that there is phosphorylated survivinThr34 proliferation and differentiation of tissues were expressed. High expression in gastric cancer cells, expression of the strong, may be associated with cell proliferation, differentiation exuberant about. 2 adjacent neighboring cells in the cuvette phosphorylated 4 survivin expression, although these cells did not change shape in the light microscope, but have changed at the molecular level, they will eventually develop into cancer cells or normal cells carrying self-repair, pending further study. 3 phosphorylated survivinTh has 4 protein expression in benign gastric lesions may be related to the repair of damaged gland cells to maintain normal cell function. Conclusions phosphorylated survivin bamboo ir34 distributed only in the cytoplasm. . Phosphorylation of survivin in gastric adenocarcinoma dish code 4 expression was significantly increased, although it is not specific markers of gastric adenocarcinoma, but can be used as reference for the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma, gastric cancer cells as a facilitator intervention sites. 3.Thi has four functional areas as survivin, phosphorylated survivinTI] 134 expression may be associated with cell proliferation, involved in cell differentiation, and is glandular cell damage repair factor, maintaining the integrity and regulating gastric mucosal cell renewal .

More about:DARPP-32 (Phospho-Thr34) Polyclonal Antibody Prices
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