Friday 25 October 2013

Information about Ureaplasma urealyticum genotyped detection kit (PCR-reverse some hybrid method)

Original body includes six species of urea, urea solution urea original body (Ureaplasma urealyticum) have close relationship with human urinary tract infection. Urea solution urea also called soluble m. urealyticum in the original body, can use their urea enzyme, after the decomposition of urea to provide energy metabolism. On the classification of genus mycoplasma urea original body genera. Urea solution urea original body is one of the human urinary tract common parasitic bacteria, in certain circumstances can cause disease. In engraftment of human body can have the second rise, namely the childbirth by the maternal birth canal neonatal infection, after rapidly reduced; Starting from the sex life and gradually increase. In recent years, the urea urea solution is taken seriously increasingly, the original body caused by urinary tract infection is one of the pathogens of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of cause blame. Has been listed as the pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.

More about:buy Ureaplasma urealyticum genotyped detection kit (PCR-reverse some hybrid method)
From:Elisa assay kits

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