Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Application of Cobalt Chloride

Cobalt Chloride is mainly used in the manufacturing of electrolytic cobalt, barometer, gravimeter, feed additive and other refined cobalt products. Properties: mauve crystal. It is used as an antidote for detoxicating cyanide.
The hexahydrate is deep purple in color, whereas the anhydrous chassis costs lazuline. Since of the ease of the hydration/dehydration reaction, and the resulting colouration modification, cobalt chloride is used as an indicator for water supply inwards sicatives. Ecological niche consumptions include they are function in organic synthesis and electroplating targets with cobalt antimonial. Cobalt(II) chloride chips in a blue-green color in a flame. It is used in vitamin preparations. It is used in sympathetic inks, as an additive to soil and animal feed. It is used in the preparation of refining and petrochemical catalysts and metal finishing products.
Cobalt chloride anhydrous form (CoCl2 ) is a blue air quartz glass and sublimes once hoted up; melting point 735 C, boiling point 1049 C. Cobalt chloride anhydrous is hygroscopic.
Cobalt chloride is a starting material to produce organic cobalt compounds and tetrahedral metal complexes. Cobalt(II) chloride forms tetrahedral [CoCl4]2- ion when reacted with chloride ion.
More information: Cobalt Chloride
Read more>> Cobalt Oxide

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