Monday 30 January 2012

The New Usage of Cobalt Acetate

Cobalt Acetate is the cobalt salt of acetic acid. It may also be found as the tetrahydrate. It causes irritation to the respiratory tract, symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath, and nausea. Respiratory hypersensitivity, asthma may appear. Inhalation of cobalt dust and fumes is associated with an increased incidence of lung disease. Cobalt acetate may be reacted with salenH2 to give salcomine, an oxygen-transport compound.
Cobalt acetate [Co(C2H3O2)24H2O] is a reddish-violet, deliquescent crystal; soluble in water supply, inebriant, and acids. It is used as a dryer incoming paint and varnish. Cobalt acetate is mainly used as catalyst accelerators for the PTA production, paint drier, feed additive and many others, our range of cobalt acetate is formulated using superior quality raw material. They are metallic salts of low-molecular-weight carboxylic battery-acids. Hydrocarbon characters admit O inward air and metals act as catalyst to speed up the oxidative coating. Effective and pure in composition, our range of cobalt acetate finds application in diverse range of industries.
Drying agents are essences put into paint to make dry quickly. Cobalt is the most useful. Cobalt acetate embodies a knock-down oxidisation accelerator. It's used as a feed bilinear mineral supplement.
More about:  Cobalt Acetate

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