Tuesday 27 August 2013

A brief history of the discovery of Sulphur

Sulfur (Sulphur) is a non-metallic element, chemical symbol is S, atomic number is 16. Sulfur Sulphur is a very common nonmetallic tasteless, pure sulfur is yellow crystals, also known as sulfur. In nature it is often in the form of sulfide or sulfate, pure sulfur in volcanic areas are also appearing in nature. It is an integral part of many amino acids. Mainly used in fertilizers, gunpowder, lubricants, pesticides and the production of anti-fungal agents. Generating combustion of sulfur dioxide in the air with oxygen and water to form sulfuric acid, causing acid rain.
Around 4,000 years ago, the Egyptians would have been formed by the combustion of sulfur dioxide to bleach cloth, the ancient Greeks and Romans also be proficient in the use of sulfur dioxide fumigation and bleaching. The ninth century BC, the Roman poet Homer in his writings about the sulfur burning when disinfecting and bleaching effect.
In ancient China, the first pharmaceutical monograph "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" [1], contained in the animals, plants and minerals up to 365 kinds of medicines, contained 46 kinds of minerals in drugs, there are stone sulfur (ie sulfur). In this book there is also pointed out: "Stone sulfur can turn Yellow Gold iron, strange things." This shows that the sulfur was already known to work with copper, iron and other metals to form metal sulfides directly. World's oldest extant writings alchemy - Wei Boyang of the "Kinship" [2], but also chronicles the sulfur and volatile mercury can be less volatile mercury sulfide synthesis. Chinese study for gunpowder, probably began in the seventh century AD. Then black gunpowder gunpowder, which is composed of potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal composed of three. Sulfur is an important component of black powder was.
With the 1746 British J.Roebuck lead chamber method invented in 1777 manufacture of sulfuric acid and sulfur by the French ALLavoisier recognized as an element, the sulfur will enter the gates of modern chemistry. After this time, the sulfur is fast becoming the modern chemical industry and the modern chemical industry is closely related to one of the most important elements. Latin name Surphur estimates of sulfur from India Sanskrit Sulvere, the original meaning is bright yellow.

More about:Sulphur supplier
From:Metal materials

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