Monday 5 August 2013

Nickel Ore related presentations

Known Nickel Ore about 50 species. Where sulfides such as pentlandite, nickel-iron and other purple sulfur exists in the form of free nickel sulfide, a considerable part of nickel isomorphism occurs in pyrrhotite.
Nickel is a silvery-white metal, first in 1751 by the Swedish mineralogist Cronstadt (AFCronstedt) isolated. Because of its good mechanical strength and ductility, high temperature refractory, and has a high chemical stability, in the air oxidation and other features, it is a very important non-ferrous material, is used to make stainless steel, high nickel alloy and alloy steel, widely used in aircraft, radar, missiles, tanks, ships, spacecraft, nuclear reactors and other military manufacturing. In civilian industry, often made of nickel steel, acid-resistant steel, heat-resistant steel is used extensively for a variety of mechanical manufacturing. Nickel also for ceramic pigment and corrosion coating, nickel-cobalt alloy is a permanent magnet material, widely used in electronic remote control, nuclear industry and ultrasound technology and other fields, in the chemical industry, nickel is often used as a hydrogenation catalyst. In recent years, color television sets, tape recorders and other communications equipment and other aspects of nickel consumption is also increasing rapidly. In short, the Nickel has excellent performance, has become the development of modern aviation industry, defense industry and the establishment of a high level of human material and cultural life of the modern system of essential metals.
In the southeastern province of Ontario, Canada, Huron Hubei side, there is a mining city Sudbury. It is currently the world's largest nickel mine, with its output accounting for 80% of world production of nickel or so. In recent years, people around the Sudbury Nickel ore found here are unique to the impact crater structure, shock metamorphism of minerals and rocks scattered around the large rock in the impact angle. This makes people believe: Sudbury ore body may be a crater, there was now a huge rich in iron, nickel meteorite, the breakdown of Sudbury's crust, crustal mafic magma rose in open the channel, while rich in iron, nickel hot mafic magma during ascent fusion meteorite itself rich iron-nickel metal, after transformation, condensation, forming a huge nickel mine today.

More about:Nickel Ore supplier
From:Metal materials

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