Thursday 1 August 2013

calcium aluminium purposes and classification

Fused calcium aluminate (pre-melting aluminum calcium slag) is mainly used for LF furnace, open hearth furnace, converter ladle, the molten steel stripped of sulfur, oxygen and other impurities, reduce harmful elements in steel and impurity content, For carbon steel, high carbon steel, high and low alloy steels. Already mature applications in foreign countries, such as Korea, Japan, Europe and other developed countries.
Rui Shi produced fused calcium aluminate uniform chemical composition, low melting point, melting fast, can shorten the duration of heat; no fluorine, not erode the lining and ladle; structure is dense, non-absorbent, easy storage and transportation warehousing; Since the phase stability , into slag fast, can reduce the steel plant dust pollution, comprehensive and stable refining process; does not contain hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and other impurities, helping improve the quality of steel. The user confirms that the factory fused calcium aluminate product stability over time curve function almost as a straight line. Avoid the cheap product (sintered products, health products cupola) wavy, zigzag curve function to bring many metallurgical production suited to the phenomenon.

Product Category:
Calcium aluminate products into water treatment, steel slag agent, high alumina cement three categories: ⑴ Calcium Aluminate implementation of standards for water treatment: "People's Republic of Chemical Industry Standard (HG3746-2004)";
⑵ steelmaking slag agent calcium aluminum enforce corporate standards: Q/7436-2047-0? 001-2008;
⑶ aluminum calcium alumina cement Executive Standard: "The People's Republic of standards (GB201-2000)".
Calcium aluminate main chemical composition Al2O3, CaO has strong activity, the use of acid production of water purification agent can save a lot of manpower, electric power, but also a greater cost reduction, process equipment and has a simple, easy operation and other characteristics, is ideal raw material for production of PAC. Alumina dissolution in acid solution rate of 90% or more.

More about:Calcium Aluminium supplier
From:Metal materials

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