Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sodium Tripolyphosphate (Food Gra) the nature and indications

Properties: Sodium Tripolyphosphate (Food Gra), also known as trisodium phosphate. Significant twelve hydrate and anhydrate. Anhydrous as white crystals. Density 2.536g/cm3. Melting point 1340 ℃. Twelve monohydrate is a colorless cubic crystal or white powder. Density 1.62g/cm3. Melting point 73.3 ℃. 76.7 ℃ decomposition. Heated to 100 ℃ 12 crystal water loss from anhydrous. In dry air easily weathered. Are soluble in water, solubility in 20 °-120g / L; 30 degrees-163g / L. Its solution is strongly alkaline. Not soluble in carbon disulfide and ethanol. Of phosphoric acid with sodium carbonate and the reaction solution, control the pH value of 8 to 8.4, after the filtered cake residue, the filtrate was concentrated, so that the liquid caustic soda Na / P ratio of 3.24 to 3.26, and then by cooling and crystallization, solid separated, dried and prepared. Anhydrous sodium phosphate dodecahydrate based crystals were dissolved in the heated to 85 ~ 90 ℃ of water (10% to 15%), after dehydration in the system. Can be used as soft water and detergents, boiler scale inhibitor, the fixing toner printing, silk fabric enhancer, metal corrosion inhibitor and metal rust inhibitors, enamel flux and the production of bleaching agents, the system the rawhide leather degreasing agent and degumming agents. Food grade phosphate dodecahydrate emulsifiers used in food processing, quality improver, nutritional supplements, and food with a bottle (tank) of the detergent.
Indications: polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, as well as to identify the nature of superficial tumors, but also for neurodermatitis, chronic eczema, capillary tumors, keloids, winging pterygium, corneal neovascularization, plasma cell tumors of the applicator treatment.

More about:Sodium Tripolyphosphate (Food Gra) supplier
From:Metal materials

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