Monday 12 August 2013

What is Fluorspar Lumps?

Fluorite is the industry's main source of fluorine, which is widely used in aerospace, refrigeration, pharmaceuticals, corrosion, fire, electrical, mechanical, and nuclear and other fields. Fluorite resource-rich country, many deposits, reserves, production and export volume ranking first in the world.
Fluorite, also known as fluorspar(Fluorspar Lumps), is the industry's main source of fluorine, the world's 20 several important non-metallic mineral raw materials. Pure colorless fluorite can be used as an optical material, beautiful color fluorite gem stone and also as arts and crafts carving raw materials. Fluorite is fluorine chemical industry's basic raw materials, its products are widely used in aerospace, aviation, refrigeration, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, anti-corrosion, fire, electronics, electrical, mechanical and nuclear and other fields. With the continuous development of technology and the economy, fluorite has become an important modern industrial mineral raw materials, many developed countries regard it as an important strategic material for reserves. Chinese fluorite resource-rich, widely distributed, many deposit types, resources, reserves, production and export volume ranking first in the world. Ancient Indians found that there is a small hill on the Cobra particularly large, they are always wandering around in a big rock. One of the natural phenomena cause people to explore the mysteries of interest. Originally, when night fell, where the big stone slightly blue light flashes, and many insects have phototaxis stone would have come to light over the flying frog jumped out to competing predator insects, hiding not far from the Cobra have also come predation frog. Thus, the people of this stone is called "Snake Eyes Stone." Later learned that Snake Eyes is fluorite stone.
The ingredient is calcium fluoride fluorite, also known as fluorspar, Fei stone, because it contains a variety of rare elements and often has purple, green, light blue, colorless and transparent fluorite rare and precious. There are crystal cube, octahedron or rhombic dodecahedron. If put into the ultraviolet fluorescent fluorite according to a photo, it will issue a beautiful fluorescence.
The use of fluorite and its processed products have been involved in more than 30 industrial sectors. Fluorite added steel refining, can improve the melt fluidity of sulfur and phosphorus to remove harmful impurities.
Half of the world for the manufacture of fluorite production of hydrofluoric acid, the development of manufacturing Cryolite for aluminum smelting industry. The fridge coolant (Freon) to use fluorite; 1986, China's first generation of artificial blood should be used fluorite. Scientists are developing fluoride glass optical fiber communication may produce a new material that can pass through 20,000 kilometers wide in the Pacific instead of being re-issued station.
Production throughout the world. Fluorite Fluorite, also known as fluorspar, chemical composition of CaF2, crystals are equiaxed halide minerals. In the ultraviolet ray irradiation or heating the cathode when the blue or violet fluorescence, and hence the name. Crystal appearing cube, octahedron, or cube interspersed twins, collection of granular or lumpy. Light green, purple or colorless, transparent, sometimes red roses, white streak, vitreous luster, transparent to opaque. Octahedral cleavage completely. Mohs hardness is 4, the proportion of 3.18. Fluorite is mainly produced in hydrothermal veins. Colorless fluorite crystals in granitic pegmatite veins or fluorite crystal cave. World's total reserves of about 1 billion tons of fluorite, China is the world's one of the largest mineral fluorite, and accounted for 35% of world reserves, according to archaeological excavations that, seven thousand years ago, Zhejiang Yuyao Hemudu people, has selected the firefly stone as decorations. Hemudu fluorite mine south indeed exist. Mainly in Zhejiang, Hunan, Fujian and other places. World's other major origin of South Africa, Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, the USA, Thailand, Spain and other places. Fluorite flux used in the metallurgical industry, in the chemical industry raw material for the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid.

More about:Fluorspar Lumps supplier
From:Metal materials

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