Tuesday 13 August 2013

What is Flourspar Powder?

Flourspar Powder halide minerals. The main components of calcium fluoride of the formula CaF2. In the ultraviolet ray irradiation or a cathode, blue green fluorescence. Sometimes yttrium and cerium rare earth elements. Equiaxed crystal, crystal often cube, octahedron, rhombic dodecahedron and so on. Collection of dense granular or lumpy. Often has green, blue or purple, or colorless and transparent. Vitreous luster, Mohs hardness 4, a completely octahedral cleavage. Specific gravity 3.18. Mainly in hydrothermal veins. Often associated with sphalerite, galena symbiosis. Colorless fluorite in granitic pegmatite veins or fluorite crystal cave. Preparation of hydrofluoric acid is the main raw material, also used as enamel, glass, cement manufacturing ingredients and metallurgical industry flux, and as a rocket fuel catalyst. Colorless, transparent optical lens can be made by. China is the largest country in the world fluorspar production, the main origin of Zhejiang, Hunan and Fujian. The world's major origin of South Africa, Mongolia, the United States, Russia, Thailand and Spain.

More about:Flourspar Powder supplier
From:Metal materials

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