Tuesday 23 September 2014

Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate (MAG) of the anti-inflammatory effect

Monoammoniumglycyrrhizinate (MAG) was the aglycone of glycyrrhizin acquired from licorice. In this study, the anti-inflammatory furnishings of MAG on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced astute lung abrasion (ALI) in mice and the accessible mechanisms complex in this aegis were investigated. Pretreatment with MAG above-mentioned to the administering of intratracheal LPS decidedly induced a abatement in lung wet weight/dry weight ratio, in absolute corpuscle bulk and neutrophil percent in the BALF, and in myeloperoxidase (MPO) action of lung in dose-dependent manners. At the aforementioned time, pretreatment with MAG aswell decidedly bigger the cool oxide dismutase (SOD) action and induced the malondialdehyde (MDA) agreeable in the bronchoalveolar lavage aqueous (BALF). Importantly, pretreatment with MAG prevented an access in circadian adenosine monophosphate-phosphodiesterase (cAMP-PDE) action of lung in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, it can up-regulate the interleukin-10 (IL-10) akin and down-regulate the bump aberration factor-α (TNF-α) akin in the lung tissue of ALI mice. These after-effects showed that anti-inflammatory furnishings of MAG adjoin the LPS-induced ALI may be due to its adeptness of primary inhibition of cAMP-PDE activity, oxidative accent and its adjustment of cytokine effects. Thus the after-effects abutment that use of MAG is benign in the assay of ALI and ARDS.
Natural cosmetic ingredients

Monday 22 September 2014

CA125 is a apparent antigen associated with epithelial ovarian blight

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) is a apparent antigen associated with epithelial ovarian cancer. In serum, CA125 is associated with a top atomic weight glycoprotein. Published studies accept adumbrated that animated serum CA125 levels can be begin in individuals with austere endometroid, clear-cell and akin ovarian carcinoma.

The serum CA125 absorption is greater than 35 units per ml in 60% of women with ovarian blight and >80% of patients with broadcast ovarian cancer. The serum CA125 is animated in 1% of accustomed advantageous women, 3% of accustomed advantageous women with amiable ovarian diseases, 6% of patients with non-neoplastic altitude (including but not apprenticed to aboriginal trimester pregnancy, menstruation, endometriosis, uterine fibrosis, astute salphingitis, hepatic diseases and deepening of peritoneum, pericardium or pleura). Serial determinations of serum CA125 as able-bodied as pelvic appraisal access the analysis specificity. Serum CA125 absorption may be advantageous in ecology analysis and appropriate amid acceptable acknowledgment to analysis and accelerating cancerous ache with poor ameliorative response. To date, CA125 is the a lot of acute brand for balance epithelial ovarian cancer. CA125 may aswell be animated in patients with lung, cervical, fallopian tube, and uterine blight and endometriosis.

Friday 19 September 2014

Studies accept apparent that CD24 announcement is to abate the abiding adaptation in patients with cervical blight anticipation

Cluster of adverse 24(CD24) is a corpuscle adherence atom that has been alive in bump aggression and alteration of assorted solid tumors. The aim of this abstraction was to analyze the announcement patterns of CD24 as a predictive brand for abiding adaptation in cervical carcinomas.
A absolute of 144 patients diagnosed with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics date I to IV cervical blight were studied, and 95 patients underwent surgical intervention. The announcement of CD24 protein was advised by immunohistochemistry application tissue microarrays.
Overexpression of CD24 was empiric in 50 (34.7%) of 144 invasive carcinomas. Patients with CD24 overexpression had poorer adaptation compared with that of patients with CD24 underexpression (5-year adaptation rate, 52.0% vs 72.3%; log rank P = 0.014). Importantly, in multivariate analysis, CD24 overexpression accepted to be a cogent absolute augur of concise adaptation (relative risk, 1.814; P = 0.043).

The present abstraction suggests that CD24 overexpression is a augur of decreased abiding adaptation in patients with cervical carcinoma. Therefore, immunohistochemical appraisal of CD24 announcement is a abeyant anxiety biomarker for cervical carcinomas.

Immune action of anti- GM1

Levels of anti-GM1 are animated in patients with assorted forms of dementia.Antibodies levels associate with added astringent Guillain-Barré syndrome. In Japan, levels to GM1 were animated in patients with prodromal diarrhea.Titers to GM1 in added diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, primary Sjögren's affection and systemic lupus erythematosus) was aswell elevated. additionally awful cogent affiliation was begin with rheumatoid arthritis and ambiguous neuropathies.Conflicting affirmation suggests no cogent acclivity in motor neuron neuropathy but hardly animated IgA in acoustic neuron neuropathies. The autoimmune role of anti-GM1 is still unclear.

Clinical acceptation of chemokine receptor blazon 4 (CXCR-4)

Drugs that block the CXCR4 receptor arise to be able of "mobilizing" hematopoietic axis beef into the bloodstream as ambiguous claret axis cells. Ambiguous claret axis corpuscle mobilization is actual important in hematopoietic axis corpuscle transplantation (as a contempo another to transplantation of surgically harvested cartilage marrow) and is currently performed application drugs such as G-CSF. G-CSF is a advance agency for neutrophils (a accepted blazon of white claret cells), and may act by accretion the action of neutrophil-derived proteases such as neutrophil elastase in the cartilage bottom arch to proteolytic abasement of SDF-1. Plerixafor (AMD3100) is a drug, afresh accustomed for accepted analytic use, which anon blocks the CXCR4 receptor. It is a actual able inducer of hematopoietic axis corpuscle mobilization in beastly and beastly studies.
It has been associated with WHIM syndrome. WHIM like mutations in CXCR4 were afresh articular in patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, a B-cell malignancy.

While CXCR4’s announcement is low or absent in abounding advantageous tissues, it was accustomed to be bidding in over 23 types of cancer, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma, and prostate cancer. Announcement of this receptor in blight beef has been affiliated to alteration to tissues absolute a top absorption of CXCL12, such as lungs, alarmist and cartilage marrow.However, in breast blight area SDF1/CXCL12 is aswell bidding by the blight beef themselves forth with CXCR4, CXCL12 announcement is absolutely activated with ache chargeless (metastasis free) survival. CXCL12 (over-)expressing cancers adeptness not faculty the CXCL12 acclivity appear from the alteration ambition tissues back the receptor, CXCR4, is saturated with the ligand produced in an autocrine manner.Another account of this ascertainment is provided by a abstraction that shows the adeptness of CXCL12 (and CCL2) bearing tumors to entrain neutrophils that arrest agriculture of bump beef in the lung.

Sunday 14 September 2014

industrial uses of acetone

Acetone is an important organic synthetic raw material for the production of epoxy resins, polycarbonate, glass, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and so on. Also is a good solvent for paints, adhesives, such as acetylene cylinders. Also used as a diluent, cleaning agents, extraction agent. Or manufacturing acetic anhydride, diacetone alcohol, chloroform, iodoform, epoxy resin, polyisoprene rubber, an important raw material, methyl methacrylate and the like. Used as a solvent in smokeless powder, celluloid, acetate fiber, paint and other industries. Used as extraction agent in oil and other industries.
Acrylic monomers used for the preparation of bisphenol A, diacetone alcohol, hexylene glycol, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl isobutyl carbinol, isophorone, isophorone, chloroform, iodoform, and other important organic chemical raw materials. Used as a good solvent in the paint, acetate fiber spinning process, the storage of acetylene cylinders, and other aspects of the oil refining industry dewaxing.

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Testes acetone powder from rat suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

A case of cellular NSIP with anti-OJ (anti-isoleucyl tRNA synthetase) antibodies

A 54-year-old woman, complaining of a dry cough in the beginning of December 2004, was admitted to our hospital because of its exacerbation in January 2005. Interstitial pneumonia was suspected according to a chest Xray and chest CT. The pathological diagnosis of cellular nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) was made after video assisted thoracic surgery. She did not have muscle weakness or arthralgia but she had a skin lesion ("mechanic's hand") which is often seen in patients with antisynthetase syndrome. Anti-Jo-1 antibody was negative but anti-OJ antibody was positive. Therefore, anti-aminoacyl tRNA synthetase syndrome with cellular NSIP was diagnosed. She had a favorable response to the initial treatment of methylprednisolone pulse therapy followed by prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day. Her symptoms, pulmonary function test and chest imaging findings have showed improvement after therapy.
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Human OJ antibodies/anti-isoleucine-tRNA synthetase antibodies ELISA Kit suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Studies of a high molecular weight human melanoma-associated antigen

Hybridomas were generated by fusing SP2/0 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice that had been immunized with cultured human melanoma cells. One of the hybridomas secreted a monoclonal IgG1 antibody, 48.7, which binds to a cell surface antigen of cells from human melanomas and compound nevi. The presence of the target antigen in vivo was demonstrated immunohistologically by staining frozen sections of primary and metastatic melanoma by the peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique. Weak staining of some blood vessel cells was also seen, but other normal cells, including skin melanocytes, were unstained, as were cells from other tumor types. Antibody 48.7 immunoprecipitated polypeptides with apparent m.w. on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 250,000 and greater than 400,000.

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Human melanoma-associated antigen,MAGE ELISA Kit suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Thursday 11 September 2014

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitors

PTP-1B catalytic cysteine ​​thiol group functional domains essential for the activity of the enzyme, which is required to maintain the reduced state, any compound that would make the oxidation leads to the loss of enzyme activity. Studies suggest that PTP-1B inhibitors can weaken the role of dephosphorylation by PTP-1B receptor for insulin and improve insulin receptor and its substrate level phosphorylation -1, played insulin and insulin-sensitizing.
Vanadate and vanadium peroxide compounds: vanadate and phosphate has a similar structure, the role of alternative PTPase substrate inhibition is associated with insulin derivative-related PTPase activity involved in insulin signal transduction activation of tyrosine kinases. Vanadate (Na3VO4, etc.) reversible competitive inhibition (reversible oxidation) PTP-1B, while the ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid was added to the enzyme, vanadate inhibition of PTP-1B will be reversed.
Peroxovanadate PTPase through irreversible oxidation of the active site Cys thiol group from irreversible inhibition mechanism peroxovanadate hypoglycemic by inhibiting insulin signal transduction related PTPase and activate the insulin receptor kinase.

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Anti-PTP-1B/pTyr (Protein-tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor :p-tyr) prices
Elisa assay kits

Relationship P- selectin and deep vein thrombosis

Study found that platelets play an important role in the formation process of thrombosis, coagulation reaction in vivo thrombus formation starting in platelet activation. Not activated platelet surface, P- selectin low expression or no expression. When the platelets and endothelial cells are stimulated, rod bodies and platelet α particle membrane fusion with the cell membrane rapidly, P- selectin quickly transferred from the platelets and platelet α in vivo rod small particles to the cell surface, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mononuclear cell adhesion, fusion with the plasma membrane surface of platelets in platelet activation, so that P- selectin expression on platelets in the plasma membrane or appear in a few seconds to a few minutes P- selectin expression to new heights. In P- selectin-mediated platelet, leukocyte and endothelial cell adhesion, increased blood viscosity, blood is hypercoagulable state promote thrombosis. By P- selectin and platelet monocyte adhesion, formation of fibrin into a lake, promote thrombosis and stability. The high concentrations of plasma P- selectin, can improve the adhesion of neutrophils and platelets and fibrin between, and after the experiment confirmed a dose-dependent relationship, P- selectin adjustable neutrophil adhesion, parts of low shear can have a higher concentration P- selectin promote aggregation of leukocytes to sites of vascular injury and promote the disease process.

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Anti-P-selectin prices
Elisa assay kits

Proteasome modulator 9 is linked to microvascular pathology of T2D

The locus 12q24 is linked to type 2 diabetes (T2D) and to changes in retinal vascular caliber in Caucasians. Proteasome Modulator 9 gene (PSMD9) lies in the 12q24 locus and is implicated in diabetes onset and in degradation of intracellular proteins in antigenic peptides in the immune response to antigen presentation by MHC class I cells. Within PSMD9, we reported a linkage to T2D and to MODY3 in Italian families. We recently demonstrated a linkage of the PSMD9 T2D risk SNPs with T2D-nephropathy, T2D-neuropathy, retinopathy, hypercholesterolemia, and macrovascular pathology. We aimed at studying the presence of the linkage signal of the PSMD9 T2D risk SNPs IVS3 + nt460, IVS3 + nt437, E197G to microvascular pathology associated to T2D in Italian siblings/families. We screened 200 T2D siblings/families for the PSMD9 above-mentioned variants and performed a parametric and non-parametric linkage study by Merlin software. Our results show significant LOD score in linkage with microvascular pathology for the PSMD9 SNPs studied using the non-parametric and parametric linkage analysis. The strongest signal is present under the recessive model. Our statistical power relies on the presence of T2D affected siblings, which represent an ideal dataset to identify linkage with a recessive disease model. Our simulation analysis confirms that the results are not due to random chance. In summary, the PSMD9 IVS3 + nt460, IVS3 + nt437, E197G SNPs are linked via the recessive model to microvascular pathology of T2D in Italians. A possible role of PSMD9 in microvascular pathology may be related to a causative pathogenetic role in inflammation as part of an autoimmune process. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 3116–3118, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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Anti-PSMD9/Bridge-1(proteasome modulator 9) prices
Elisa assay kits

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Cloning and sequencing of a Shiga-like toxin type II variant from Escherichia coli strain responsible for edema disease of swine

A Shiga-like toxin type II variant (SLT-IIv) is produced by strains of Escherichia coli responsible for edema disease of swine and is antigenically related to Shiga-like toxin type II (SLT-II) of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. However, SLT-IIv is only active against Vero cells, whereas SLT-II is active against both Vero and HeLa cells. The structural genes for SLT-IIv were cloned from E. coli S1191, and the nucleotide sequence was determined and compared with those of other members of the Shiga toxin family. The A subunit genes for SLT-IIv and SLT-II were highly homologous (94%), whereas the B subunit genes were less homologous (79%). The SLT-IIv genes were more distantly related (55 to 60% overall homology) to the genes for Shiga toxin of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and the nearly identical Shiga-like toxin type I (SLT-I) of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. (These toxins are referred to together as Shiga toxin/SLT-I.) The A subunit of SLT-IIv, like those of other members of this toxin family, had regions of homology with the plant lectin ricin. SLT-IIv did not bind to galactose-alpha 1-4-galactose conjugated to bovine serum albumin, which is an analog of the eucaryotic cell receptor for Shiga toxin/SLT-I and SLT-II. These findings support the hypothesis that SLT-IIv binds to a different cellular receptor than do other members of the Shiga toxin family but has a similar mode of intracellular action. The organization of the SLT-IIv operon was similar to that of other members of the Shiga toxin family. Iron did not suppress SLT-IIv or SLT-II production, in contrast with its effect on Shiga toxin/SLT-I. Therefore, the regulation of synthesis of SLT-IIv and SLT-II differs from that of Shiga toxin/SLT-I.

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Anti-SLT/SLT-IIe(O139)(Shiga-Like Toxin Type II Variant)
Elisa assay kits

Secreted frizzled related protein 1 Tumor suppression

There are 3 types of tumor suppressor genes:
Genes that affect cell growth
Genes that limit the cell cycle and induce apoptosis
Genes that repair damaged DNA
SFRP1 appears to fall in the first category of genes that affect cell growth.
The role of SFRP1 as a tumor suppressor has been proposed in many cancers based on its loss in patient tumors. Its frequent inactivation by methylation-induced silencing is consistent with it behaving as a tumor suppressor. Also, the SFRP1 gene is located in a region on chromosome 8 that is frequently lost in many cancer types.Expression levels of several targets of the Wnt signaling pathways are increased in tumor tissue compared with normal and the expression of SFRP1 is lost in patient tumor samples. The role for the Wnt/β-catenin signaling in cancer has been well defined: β-catenin drives transcription of genes that contribute to the tumor phenotype by regulating processes, such as proliferation, survival and invasion.
Gumz et al. showed that SFRP1 expression in UMRC3 cells (clear cell renal cell carcinoma cell line) resulted in a growth-inhibited phenotype. SFRP1 expression not only reduced the expression of Wnt target genes, but also markedly inhibited tumor cell growth in culture, soft agar and xenografts in athymic nude mice. Growth in culture and anchorage-independent growth were inhibited in SFRP1-expressing UMRC3 cells. The growth-inhibitory effects of SFRP1 were due primarily to decreased cell proliferation rather than an increase in apoptosis. This was consistent with the effect of SFRP1 on cellular proliferation as seen in prostate cancer, where retroviral-mediated expression of SFRP1 resulted in inhibited cellular proliferation but had no effect on apoptosis.Also, restoration of SFRP1 expression attenuated the malignant phenotype of cRCC; moreover, other studies showed reexpression of SFRP1 resulted in decreased colony formation in colon and lung cancer models.

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Elisa assay kits

Sema4C-Plexin B2 signalling modulates ureteric branching in developing kidney

Semaphorins, originally identified as axon guidance molecules, have also been implicated in angiogenesis, function of the immune system and cancerous growth. Here we show that deletion of Plexin B2 (Plxnb2), a semaphorin receptor that is expressed both in the pretubular aggregates and the ureteric epithelium in the developing kidney, results in renal hypoplasia and occasional double ureters. The rate of cell proliferation in the ureteric epithelium and consequently the number of ureteric tips are reduced in the kidneys lacking Plexin B2 (Plxnb2−/−). Semaphorin 4C, a ligand for Plexin B2, stimulates branching of the ureteric epithelium in wild type and Plxnb2+/− kidney explants, but not in Plxnb2−/− explants. As shown by co-immunoprecipitation Plexin B2 interacts with the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase, the receptor of Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf), in embryonic kidneys. Isolated Plxnb2−/− ureteric buds fail to respond to Gdnf by branching, but this response is rescued by Fibroblast growth factor 7 and Follistatin as well as by the metanephric mesenchyme. The differentiation of the nephrogenic mesenchyme, its morphology and the rate of apoptosis in the Plxnb2−/− kidneys are normal. Plexin B2 is co-expressed with Plexin B1 (Plxnb1) in the kidney. The double homozygous Plxnb1–Plxnb2-deficient mice show high embryonic lethality prior to onset of nephrogenesis. The only double homozygous embryo surviving to E12 showed hypoplastic kidneys with ureteric branches and differentiating mesenchyme. Taken together, our results show that Sema4C-Plexin B2 signalling regulates ureteric branching, possibly through modulation of Gdnf signalling by interaction with Ret, and suggest non-redundant roles for Plexin B1 and Plexin B2 in kidney development.
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nti-Sema4C (semaphorin 4C) prices
Elisa assay kits

Friday 5 September 2014

The health care efficacy of Pineapple extract

Promote the blood circulation enzyme, can lower blood pressure, dilute the blood fat, eating pineapple, can prevent adipose deposit. Patients with periodontitis, gastric ulcer, oral mucosal ulcer consumers to eat carefully pineapple, pineapple nutritional value for acidity fruit is pineapple, stimulate gums, mucous membrane, stomach trouble patient there will be returned to the stomach acid, eating more will produce allergic reaction. Allergic reactions are generally in about 15 minutes to an hour after eating the pineapple rapid onset of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, or have a headache, dizziness, flush red, itchy skin, limb numbness, and your breath even can appear the symptom of dyspnea, shock and a series of allergic reactions, people used to call the allergies "pineapple poisoning" or "pineapple disease". To prevent the happening of the "pineapple" disease, doctor wang, eat the pineapple don't forget to use saline soak. Pineapple slices or pieces, soak in salt water for 30 minutes, then wash salty, can eliminate the allergic material, still can make a pineapple tastes more sweet. Half an hour after a meal to eat pineapple, soaked in brine that is both delicious and nutritious.

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Pineapple extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

The function of Grapefruit Seed Extract

Deep cells to suppress sensitization factor of histamine release, increase cell tolerance to allergens; Sensitization to remove free radicals, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic; Stable skin vascular tissue, alleviate urticaria, dry dengue fever, allergic rhinitis and allergic symptoms; Effectively regulate immunity, thoroughly improve allergic constitution.
Effectively prevent and reduce the uv radiation damage to the skin, inhibit free radicals caused by lipid peroxidation; To reduce radiation on the skin such as computers, mobile phones, TV, the damage of the internal organs.
Protection system:
Protection of gastric mucosa, the prevention and treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Protect the nervous system:
Protect the brain nerve; Nutrition nervous system; Improve sleep and anxiety, reduce drug chemical damage to human body, suitable for rehabilitation.
Eye protection:
To protect his eyes from radiation injury, prevention and cure of red blood silk; Enhanced night vision, the decrease of retinal disease, etc. To prevent free radicals of lens protein oxidation, prevent cataracts, retinitis.
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Grapefruit Seed Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Sunflower seed to eat it

Sunflower seed can fry food or eat after baking, can also be the whole, chopped, grinding, or sprout after cooking. Sunflower seed application is very extensive, can join a variety of dishes, because they are rich in protein, so join in dish Sunflower seed can improve the nutritional value of food, can for the salad, stuffing, sauces, dishes, cakes, and yogurt add special crisp taste; Sunflower seed can also be used to press oil, extract oil has been hailed as a "health care market"; In addition to edible, Sunflower seed can germinate after cooking, taste fresh and delicious.
Melon seeds is indispensable in people's life snacks, Sunflower seed is the most outstanding in the melon seeds. While the melon seeds, chatting or watching TV, what a leisurely. Sunflower seed can not only as snacks, but also can make cake as a raw material. Because of the Sunflower seed is the seed of plants, contains a lot of grease, so the Sunflower seed or important oil raw materials. Sunflower seed oil is in last few years the nutritional values most upscale healthy fats.

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Sunflower seed Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Avena sativa - nutritional value

According to comprehensive analysis of the health of the Chinese academy of medical sciences institute, China naked Avena sativa coarse protein content reaches 15.6%, fat 8.5%, starch and release heat and phosphorus, iron, calcium and other elements, compared with the other eight food, are leading the way. Avena sativa in water-soluble dietary fiber are respectively 4.7 times and 7.7 times of wheat and corn. Avena sativa in the B vitamins folic acid, niacin, is rich, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, in particular, every 100 grams of Avena sativa is as high as 15 mg powder. In addition Avena sativa powder also contains all of cereal food, lack of saponins (the main composition of ginseng). Protein amino acid composition of comprehensive, 8 kinds of essential amino acid content in the first place, especially lysine is as high as 0.68 g.
Avena sativa rice cooked porridge is rich in magnesium and vitamin B1, also contains phosphorus, potassium, iron, pantothenic acid, copper and fiber, can lower cholesterol and the fatty liver disease, diabetes, constipation, etc. Also have assisted effect. Without cooking, Avena sativa bran is rich in magnesium, vitamin B1, phosphorus, potassium, also contain iron, zinc, folic acid, pantothenic acid and copper. Avena sativa tablet can improve the blood circulation and promote wound healing.

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Astragalus Membranaceus Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Rosemary extract - work with

Eliminate flatulence, enhance memory, refreshment of angered, relieve headaches, improve hair loss phenomenon (pregnant women should not drink). Rosemary tea with the smell of mind, can enhance brain function, can improve headaches, increase shipments memory, to need a lot of memory, students might as well drink more rosemary tea. In addition to cold, abdominal distension, obesity, etc. Also have effect. Improve the language, vision, hearing obstacles, strengthen the attention, treat rheumatic pain, strengthen the liver function, reduce blood sugar, is helpful to the treatment of arteriosclerosis, paralysis of limbs rejuvenation. Have strong convergence effect, regulate the skin of oily impurity, promote the blood circulation, stimulate hair regeneration.

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Rosemary extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Horse Chestnut Extract - work effect

Horse Chestnut Extract has good tissue edema, reduce vascular permeability and prevent water deposited within the organization, quickly eliminate the partial edema caused by heavy feeling and stress. Cold can treat stomach pain, often abdominal distension full, malnutrition worm pain, malaria, dysentery. In terms of anti-inflammatory, seepage resistance, eliminate swelling effect significantly, can restore the normal permeability of blood capillary, increase the vein tension, improve microcirculation. In Europe, the main indications as peripheral circulation barrier caused by edema, mainly oral and topical formulations. Horse Chestnut Extract important natural medicine for international recognition. Thousands of cases after a long period of clinical observation that Horse Chestnut Extract sodium external injury and peripheral vascular disease has a high therapeutic value.
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Horse Chestnut Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Monday 1 September 2014

The effect of Radix Polygoni Multiflori extract

1. The effects of metabolic system of raw radix polygoni multiflori, radix polygoni multiflori alcohol quenching liquid each with 350 mg/only to fill the stomach, radix polygoni multiflori system can make to the renal hunger on mice liver glycogen content increased by 6 times, radix polygoni multiflori, no effect. Fleece-flower root injection 0.16, 0.03, 0.01 mg/ml in vitro culture method, the rats of rat liver cell DNA replication has obvious enhancement effect.
2. Anti-aging: 0.1 and 1.0 g/ml, fleece-flower root water-soluble ingredients can reduce rat and mouse b-type monoamine oxidase (MAO, a - B) activity (the elderly and the elderly higher animal brain activity of MAO - B). Fleece-flower root decoction 1 g/ml and 0.5 ml/lavage, only seven days in a row, can make the elderly adrenal weight gain in mice, and improved the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the body.
3. Small blood aggregation: radix polygoni multiflori powder 4 g/kg in feed feeding rats, 8 weeks in a row, can fight the platelet aggregation induced by ADP.
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Radix Polygoni Multiflori extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

Herba Cynomorii extract - role

Experiments show that Herba Cynomorii extract to mice to fill the stomach, can significantly improve the charcoal propulsion rate and a grain of red at the end of the waste discharge time, prompt Herba Cynomorii purge role. In vitro experiments show that: Herba Cynomorii in relatively high concentrations, has caused bowel movement disorders, lead to fewer defecate.
Herba Cynomorii extract lavage, Yang deficiency mice no obvious the improvement of microcirculation, prompt Herba Cynomorii of kidney Yang deficiency of qi and blood loss caused by without corrective action. Herba Cynomorii extract to mice subcutaneously, stimulates the growth of grain of progenitor cells.
Herbs Herba Cynomorii kidney is the most commonly used in medicine, it can be flat liver kidney, benefit intensive blood, runchang purge, treatment of infertility caused by a lack of qi and blood, but also strong gluten JianGu, supplement calcium. Is of great benefit to the human body function. Enhance the immune function; Free radicals. Platelet aggregation; Have sugar cortical hormone kind function; Added vitamins and minerals. The latest scientific experiments prove that Herba Cynomorii also has cancer, antivirus, anti-aging effect. Suitable for low immunity, infectious disease; Young and middle-aged career and health overdraft toil; Frequency of constipation, insomnia, hair loss, such as asthma, weak impotent premature ejaculation, a variety of chronic diseases patients.

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Herba Cynomorii extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts