Thursday 11 September 2014

Relationship P- selectin and deep vein thrombosis

Study found that platelets play an important role in the formation process of thrombosis, coagulation reaction in vivo thrombus formation starting in platelet activation. Not activated platelet surface, P- selectin low expression or no expression. When the platelets and endothelial cells are stimulated, rod bodies and platelet α particle membrane fusion with the cell membrane rapidly, P- selectin quickly transferred from the platelets and platelet α in vivo rod small particles to the cell surface, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mononuclear cell adhesion, fusion with the plasma membrane surface of platelets in platelet activation, so that P- selectin expression on platelets in the plasma membrane or appear in a few seconds to a few minutes P- selectin expression to new heights. In P- selectin-mediated platelet, leukocyte and endothelial cell adhesion, increased blood viscosity, blood is hypercoagulable state promote thrombosis. By P- selectin and platelet monocyte adhesion, formation of fibrin into a lake, promote thrombosis and stability. The high concentrations of plasma P- selectin, can improve the adhesion of neutrophils and platelets and fibrin between, and after the experiment confirmed a dose-dependent relationship, P- selectin adjustable neutrophil adhesion, parts of low shear can have a higher concentration P- selectin promote aggregation of leukocytes to sites of vascular injury and promote the disease process.

more about:
Anti-P-selectin prices
Elisa assay kits

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