Wednesday 3 September 2014

Horse Chestnut Extract - work effect

Horse Chestnut Extract has good tissue edema, reduce vascular permeability and prevent water deposited within the organization, quickly eliminate the partial edema caused by heavy feeling and stress. Cold can treat stomach pain, often abdominal distension full, malnutrition worm pain, malaria, dysentery. In terms of anti-inflammatory, seepage resistance, eliminate swelling effect significantly, can restore the normal permeability of blood capillary, increase the vein tension, improve microcirculation. In Europe, the main indications as peripheral circulation barrier caused by edema, mainly oral and topical formulations. Horse Chestnut Extract important natural medicine for international recognition. Thousands of cases after a long period of clinical observation that Horse Chestnut Extract sodium external injury and peripheral vascular disease has a high therapeutic value.
more about:
Horse Chestnut Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

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